Are you feeling a bit bored? Maybe you want to shop around or engage yourself with a cause? Well, now you can just sit in your couch, open your Facebook and scroll through different posts as well as influential content. Wanna shop? Just get to a page and find out what influencers are saying about the product. Want to join a cause? Follow an influencer and become one with a movement!

The social media wave has swept across the world and it has made our lives so much easier. But we’ve just started tapping into the power that it wields. Marketing has been given a brand-new facelift as more and more people have started joining social media platforms. The new rage for marketers is influencer marketing. Their reach has expanded like never before. However, the challenges of influencer marketing are also many and varied.

The more we modernize, the more we see problems we haven’t had to tackle before. But with every problem we also discover solutions. The challenges of influencer marketing might be taken care of through one of humanity’s most powerful technological advancements – Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Transforming Influencer Marketing Through AI

1. Separating The Wheat From The Chaff

Photographer: Stephen Dawson | Source: Unsplash

Analysis of information collected through social media is one of the biggest challenges of influencer marketing. There is simply too much out there to process. Earlier marketers had to hire people to sift through information to find the particular images and data they were looking for. Now using computer vision, a massive volume of information can be analyzed in a few seconds with a much higher degree of accuracy. This saves marketers both time and money.

2. Real Or Fake?

In the recent past, fake users have clogged up a lot of traffic. Fake reviewers and fake influencers are hard to identify and they throw off-market analysis. Since brands pay influencers according to the traffic they generate, this also results in a monetary loss. With its information analyzing prowess, AI can go through data from customer touchpoints and win/loss reports to identify fake profiles from which no response can be generated.

3. Marketing Improvements

Since the whole point of AI is to create an application that imitates human thought process, it can be used to remove many of the manual components of influencer marketing. Many influencers use AI to make high-quality campaigns. AI’s content analysis can automate much of the labor involved and higher levels of accuracy ensure that their outreach becomes wider.

4. Successful Success Predictions

Photographer: Markus Spiske | Source: Unsplash

Sentiment analysis through AI shows brands how well their campaigns are being received by their target audiences. Moreover, they can even predict how successful a new product will be using predictive analysis algorithms. This ensures that no money has to be wasted in testing out campaigns that wouldn’t have worked anyway.

5. Matching With The Right Influencers

One of the challenges of influencer marketing is finding the right influencer to sell your product. With targeted marketing being highly effective, brands need to find people who already have the audience they want to reach. By going through huge volumes of data in seconds, influencers can be categorized using predetermined templates. AI can also flag potentially negative influencers and those who flout legal guidelines.

Over the past few years, AI has quickly become an essential aspect of influencer marketing. Offering unprecedented levels of sophistication, constant advancements have made AI highly sought after and you definitely need to plan your campaigns around it. Bring AI to your influencer marketing and see how they help you change the game.

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You can also learn more about creating a better world through your business by watching this video.